Top 8 Reasons To Include Honey In Your Child’s Diet

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Honey has always been a blessing when included as a part of our child’s diet for nourishment. Honey is natures sweetest gift to mankind. There is something magnificently magical about this sweet liquid form of gold that has attracted the attention of many for a very long time. As a superfood, it not only tastes wonderful but also encapsulates a punch of energy when it comes to providing a multitude of health benefits to people across ages, especially children.

Its attractive color and taste aside, Honey forms the basis of most of the herbal or ayurvedic medicines and is widely used in home remedies to treat diseases and illnesses like cold, cough, bad throats, cuts, and wounds. Rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients and antiseptics and antibacterial properties; Honey is one super powerful food you can safely rely on when everything else fails.

While the benefits of honey are many, did you know giving honey to kids in times of emergencies or illnesses like cold and cough can provide them with quick relief? It is sometimes preferable to leverage home remedies and not to expose young children to high doses of medicine. For a long time now, honey has been identified to be highly beneficial when used as both food or medicine. It’s very high in beneficial plant compounds and offers several health benefits, but always consult your doctor or medical expert before the inclusion or exclusion of honey in your children’s diet.

Some children are allergic to honey. They may develop a skin rash or other problems. Consult a pediatrician when any such problem occurs. You can start giving honey to your child in very little quantity first and then eventually increase the amount.

Top 8 Reasons to include Honey as part of your child’s diet

Boosts Immunity

Major health benefits from honey come from its antioxidant properties. High-quality honey contains many important antioxidants. Antioxidants have been associated with a reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes, and some types of cancer. They may also promote good eye health & vision.

Boosts Energy & Nutrition

It gives them long-lasting energy. Honey is primarily made of 3 types of sugar which include sucrose, glucose, and fructose. This can make a healthy addition to the diet. The exact nutrition and chemical composition of any variety or type of honey would vary depending upon different countries and geographies. It also depends partly upon which types of flowers the bees gather their nectar from. Irrespective of these facts honey still contains healthy compounds and nutrients such as antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins.

Boosts Antibacterial action

Honey is a natural antibacterial and antimicrobial agent Trusted Source, which means it can kill harmful bacteria and fungi. Owing to its unique chemical composition, it does not help yeast or bacteria to grow. Also, helps in Wound healing – Numerous studies have suggested that honey works well as a wound healing dressing. Also, the nature of honey is acidic, which helps in releasing oxygen from the wound and fast-track the healing of the wound.

Relieving coughs

Several studies have suggested that honey may be as or more effective than some over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicines. Many cough medicines are not safe for small children to take, so honey may be a good alternative for children over one year of age. To get some relief from cough, take a teaspoon of honey and preferably avoid other liquids or foods afterward to allow the honey to coat the sore throat.

Treating diarrhea

Honey may have a soothing effect on digestion, helping with symptoms of diarrhea. To help treat less severe diarrhea, try taking some honey or try mixing honey with a drink. Kindly be cautious on the quantity of intake of honey as it is taken in excess, which could make diarrhea worse.

Natural supplier of multivitamins

Honey for children is not only recommended for its medical benefits, it is also considered to be a great natural source of multivitamins that are essential for a child of growing age. As honey is very rich in essential nutrients and vitamins, small consumption of Honey daily can easily cover up the requirements of multivitamins and help in developing the bones, muscles, and body of your child.

For the promotion of a healthy digestive system

We discussed many known benefits of Honey for kids, using it for the improved digestive system is the most largely used. It also helps in providing relief during stomach infections like indigestion, constipation, bloating, etc. If your child suffers from stomach disorders, try to prepare this below given recipe and check if it helps in lowering down the pain and discomfort.

Prepare a cup of black tea
Add few drops of freshly squeezed ginger juice
Stir in a teaspoon of Natural Honey
Give it to your child to drink 1-2 times a day for effective results

Acts as Good Sedatives

Some children just cannot sleep. They are very hyperactive and suffer from insomnia. 1 small teaspoon of honey just before going to bed can help them to calm and enable them to sleep. Honey also prevents your child from making your bed wet at night as it can hold fluid by absorbing moisture.

Making Eating a Fun Time with Honey

Honey is naturally very sweet and also healthy. It can be used instead of or as an alternative to sugar. Add honey to your child’s diet during breakfast and any other meal. Make multiple innovative dishes adding honey and enhance the taste to suit the taste buds of your children. You may either spread honey on bread/biscuits or use it as a topping on desserts. Use honey in cakes, cookies, pastries, biscuits and try out different recipes with honey and make mealtime a fun time for your children.

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