Benefits of Dried Fig (Anjeer)

About Dried fig /Angeer :

Dried figs or Anjeer have a special, sweet flavour and chewy texture and are littered with edible seeds that are slightly crunchy. Fresh fig fruit is delicate and perishable, so to preserve them, they are always dried. This produces a dried fruit that is sweet and nutritious that can be enjoyed all year long. There are different types of figs, all of which differ greatly in colour and texture. The fig tree can be traced back to the earliest historical records and appears prominently in the Bible as one of the world’s oldest trees. Their inherent sweetness meant they were mostly used as a sweetener before the days of refined sugars.

There are high amounts of natural sugars, minerals, and soluble fibre in figs. Figs (Anjeer) are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper minerals and are a good source of vitamin A and K antioxidants that contribute to health and well-being.

Nutritional facts for dried Fig:

A serving of 100g of dried figs offers approximately:

Calories: 23 

Protein: 3.3g

Fat: 1.5g

Carbohydrates: 48.6g

Fiber: 9.2g

A serving of 100g of fresh figs offers approximately:

Calories: 43

Protein: 1.3g

Fat: 0.3g

Carbohydrate: 9.5g

Fiber: 2g

Health Benefits of Dried figs:

There are many benefits of dried figs. Lets discuss some of them.

Rich in fiber and potassium content:

Figs are also recommended because of their high fibre content to nourish and tone the intestines and serve as a natural laxative. Dried or fresh figs are highly recommended for curing constipation and piles. Many of us eat too much sodium (salt) found in refined foods. High sodium intake may contribute to potassium deficiencies and can lead to hypertension and high blood pressure. However, dried figs which are a good source of potassium can help to maintain blood pressure as it negates the harmful effects of sodium. 

Can help you manage weight:

Naturally rich in dietary fiber, for those observing their weight, figs (anjeer dry food) may be a useful food to include in the diet. Foods with high fiber give feelings of fullness and can decrease appetite and cravings. Figs also include prebiotics that helps boost the gut’s pre-existing healthy bacteria, enhancing digestive well-being.

Benefits of Dried figs for bones:

Dried figs are a strong source of calcium, a mineral involved in the density of bones. Their high content of potassium will counteract urinary calcium excretion caused by high salt diets. In exchange, this helps retain calcium in the bones and decreases the risk of osteoporosis. Dried figs contain a high amount of calcium that contributes to the production of collagen, which helps to shapes your hair and skin. It also tightens your skin, reduces wrinkles, and act as an effective agent against aging.

Benefits of Dried figs for hair:

Vitamin C-rich fruits fight hair loss issues and help keep hair safe. Nutrients that promote hair health are found in figs, such as magnesium and vitamins C and E, which support hair growth and help combat hair loss. To speed up hair growth, the nutrients in dried figs help to promote blood circulation in the body which ultimately leads to the nourishment of the scalp and growth of hair.

Effective in treating breast cancers:

The risk of breast cancer in women who eat fruit that is high in fiber is decreased by 34 percent. Furthermore, the study found that women eating the most grain fiber had a 50% reduction in the risk of breast cancer relative to those consuming the least amount of fiber. Till now you all know there is no good source of fiber better than figs. Scientifically the amount of fiber in dried figs (anjeer food) has been proven very effective in treating various ailments including breast cancers.

Figleaves donate go waste:

The leaves of the fig trees are edible and fig leaves are considered a regular part of the daily menu in some cultural traditions. It has been shown in studies that fig leaves have anti-diabetic properties. In one study, liquid fig leaf extract was added to the menu of insulin-dependent patients with diabetes and has been shown to lower insulin levels.You can have a fig leaf tea that can be made by boiling fig tree leaves for about 15 min. Remove the leaves and strain the water. You can add honey and crushed almonds for enhancing the taste.

Rich in B6 and copper:

Figs / angeer also contain small amounts of a wide range of nutrients, but they are particularly rich in vitamin B6 and copper. Copper is a vital mineral involved in various body processes, including the processing of metabolism and energy, as well as the creation of blood cells, connective tissues, and neurotransmitters. Vitamin B6 is a crucial vitamin required to help the body break down dietary diets It is a key vitamin necessary to help the body break down dietary protein and produce new proteins. In brain development, also plays a significant role.

After knowing these amazing health benefits of figs, I am sure you would want them in your meals. Here are some quick simple and easy recipes to cherish crunchy and healthy figs and adopt a healthy diet plan.

You can easily add figs to your diet. Here is one of my favourite recipe to include figs in your daily diet.

Who doesn’t love milkshakes? I just crave them. If you love milkshakes here is an easy way to make it more yummy and healthy by adding some dried figs. All you need to do it, soak some dried figs in lukewarm water until it softens. Blend the soft dried figs and make a paste. Add milk (2 cups as per serving) and give it a quick round in your blender until fig paste mixes well with the milk. Serve them in your favourite glasses. You can sprinkle some cinnamon powder for garnishing.

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